With the support of the Andreas Mendzelopoulos Foundation, the Emergency Food Fund program for people with disabilities is being implemented throughout 2023.
The programme involves, 11 Foundations supporting a total of 460 people with visual impairments, mobility difficulties, mental disability and many other difficulties.


In the first 6 months we have already provided
7.583 kgr of: chicken, long-life milk, peas and beans.

List of  foundations we support with this action:

Fivi Shelter




Association for Regional Development and Mental Health


Association for Regional Development and Mental Health

Foundation Kokkori


Thalpi & Mathisi


Thalpi & Mathisi

The Parents Association of Individuals with Intellectual Disability

The Parents Association of Individuals with Intellectual Disability

The Emergency Food Fund is an “umbrella” program that includes discrete food purchase actions by specific donors to address the nutritional needs of vulnerable social groups. The program was launched in mid-2020 in response to new needs arising from the epidemic.